Embed the NPS question into the email invitation
Users can opt to embed the standard NPS question into the survey invitation a customer receives. Designed to drive up response rates to this strategically useful question, if the NPS question is selected to appear in the email it will not also appear in the main survey template.
1. Navigate to the SURVEYS module and go to the CUSTOMISE tab and click on EMAIL TEMPLATE DESIGNER
2. USE AN EXISTING EMAIL INVITATION: If you are adding the NPS question into an existing email template, click EDIT against your template.
3. CREATE A NEW EMAIL INVITATION: If you are creating a new email template, click ADD NEW.

4. In the email template, use the toggle at the top of the page to INCLUDE or EXCLUDE the NPS question into the email invitation itself. When this toggle is ON the NPS question will appear in the preview pane to the right.

5. When this is toggle is ON the NPS question will appear in the preview pane on the right of the screen.

When a customer clicks on a number in the NPS scale this will record their response AND act as a button to take launch the full survey template.
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