Membership Report - LONGEVITY
Select measures based on the length of membership
First, log in to Vital Statistics, navigate your way to the Report List, and run the report called "Membership Longevity".

Choose the type(s) of membership you'd like to analyse and the months you'd like to look at membership data for.
For this guide we are looking at Theatre Card - Standard.

Finally choose which area(s) of membership data you'd like to run the report on. You can select just one, or you can pick and choose a selection by ticking the check box next to each section.
Once you've made your choice, click "View Report".

Measure: Members
This report tells you how many years customers have been Standard members for, as of July every year (from the end of the previous August).
In July 2017, 17025 members were in their first year of membership, 4342 members were in their second year of membership, 3267 were in their third year of membership etc. Giving a total number of 26641 members as of July 2017.
Looking at the row going across, the number repeats itself. This shows that the 3267 customers who are in their third year of membership, as of July 2017, were also members in July 2016 and July 2015.
Now run the report, still on the "members" measure, but looking up to and including July 2016 instead of July 2017.
You'll see that the number of members in their first year is 18641, and the number of members in their second year of membership is 7060.
This means that, since the number of members in their third year in July 2017 is 3267, there was a drop off of 3793 customers who did not renew their membership for a third year from July 2016 to July 2017.
Measure: Bookers
This report tells you how many years bookers have been booking for using Standard membership.
In this report, you see the number of Standard members in their 1st/2nd/3rd year of membership who actually bought tickets within each year (August-July) of their membership. This is an important one to run, because a customer may have membership but not actually purchase any tickets within a year's period.
For example, of all the people who are in their 3rd year of Standard membership, 2812 actually booked tickets between August 2016 and July 2017.
Measure: Transactions
This gives you the number of transactions made by Standard members within each year of their membership.
For example, there were 12868 transactions attributed to Standard members in their 2nd year (August 2016-July 2017) of membership.
Measure: Tickets
This gives you the number of tickets bought by Standard members within each year of their membership.
For example, there were 33163 tickets bought by Standard members, who had been members for three years by July 2017, in their 2nd year (August 2015-July 2016) of membership.
Measure: Ticket Spend
This gives you the sum spent on tickets, by Standard members, within each year of their membership.
For example, the members who were, as of July 2017, in their third year of membership, spent £866,660 during their first year (August 2014-July 2015) of membership. They spent £943,496 during their second year (August 2015-July 2016) of membership, and £965,843 during their third year (August 2016-July 2017) of membership.
Measure: Average Ticket Price
What's the average ticket price for members during each year of their membership?
Members who booked during the period August 2016-July 2017, spent on average, according to how many years they've been Standard members:
Year of Standard membership (August 2016-July 2017) | Average ticket spend |
1st year | £29.34 |
2nd year | £28.39 |
3rd year | £29.59 |
4th year | £30.40 |
5th year | £31.17 |
6th year | £26.95 |
7th year | £28.84 |
Average total | £29.35 |
You can also see how the average ticket spend across all years of membership has changed over the years.
Measure: Transactions per Booker
This data gives us the average number of transactions only for Standard members who actually booked in a year.
Bookers within their second year of membership as of July 2017, had an average of 3.5 transactions within their second year of membership (August 2016-July 2017), but of 3.3 transactions within their first year of membership (August 2016-July 2016).
Measure: Transactions per Member
Unlike the previous chart (transactions per booker), this chart averages out all bookings across all members, regardless of whether they have booked within a year's period or not.
The average number of transactions for members within their second year of membership (as of July 2017) is 3 transactions within their second year of membership (August 2016-July 2017), but of 1.9 transactions within their first year of membership (August 2016-July 2016).
Measure: Tickets per Booker
This data gives us the average number of tickets only for Standard members who actually booked in a year.
Bookers within their second year of membership as of July 2017, bought an average of 9.9 tickets within their second year of membership (August 2016-July 2017), but 9.4 tickets within their first year of membership (August 2016-July 2016).
Measure: Tickets per Member
Unlike the previous chart (tickets per booker), this chart averages out all tickets across all members, regardless of whether they have booked within a year's period or not.
The average number of tickets for members within their second year of membership (as of July 2017) is 8.3 tickets bought within their second year of membership (August 2016-July 2017), but of 5.4 tickets within their first year of membership (August 2016-July 2016).
Measure: Spend per Booker
This data gives us the average spend in a year's period, only for Standard members who actually booked in a year.
Bookers within their second year of membership as of July 2017, spent an average of £280.40 within their second year of membership (August 2016-July 2017), but £252.16 within their first year of membership (August 2016-July 2016).
Measure: Spend per Member
Unlike the previous chart (tickets per booker), this chart averages out all spent within a year's period across all members, regardless of whether they have booked within a year's period or not.
The average spend for members within their second year of membership (as of July 2017) is £235.39 bought within their second year of membership (August 2016-July 2017), but of £143.96 within their first year of membership (August 2016-July 2016).
Measure: Bookers as a % of Members
Finally, this chart shows you the percentage of Standard members who actually booked tickets within a year's period.
Between August 2016-July 2017, 90.8% of Standard members within their 5th year of membership booked tickets, and between August 2015-July 2016, 60% of Standard members within their 5th year of membership booked tickets.
BONUS: How to calculate Frequency
If you need to know frequency by year, simply:
All Bookers: divide the number of transactions in a year by the number of bookers in that year
Members only: divide the number of transactions in a year by the number of members' bookings in that year
If columns or cells are empty, it is simply because there is no data available for that particular option.
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