Balanced Database Flow Chart
This is a guide to how to use the Balanced Database Flow Chart in Vital Statistics.
Flow Chart

Here are the steps to running and updating the options for the Balanced Database Flow Chart.
Step 1. Navigate to the Balanced Database Menu

Under the Analysis tab, choose the option Report List. This will load a list of available Reports in your account. Within this list, click Run on 'Balanced Database Menu'. The following menu will be loaded.
Step 2. Current Settings
The Flow Chart is run based on the 'Current Settings'. These are the details on the left hand side of the menu.
To change the settings click on'Change these settings'
- Start Date and End Date - What date period would you like the flow chart to analyse? This should be a calendar year, financial year or a season.
- Stale Period - The stale period states how many months before a customer has not re-attended do we mark them as 'stale'. We will give you an indication of what this will be.
- Data Protection - If you wanted to only analyse customers who you have contacted through marketing then you would pick a data protection question.
- VIP Definition - Choose how you define the 'VIP' segment. This can be Groups or Members.
Click View Report to update your settings.
Step 3. Run the Flow Chart
Once you are happy with the Balanced Database settings, click on 'Flow Chart & Balance Sheet' to run the report
Interpreting the Balanced Database Flow Chart
Balanced Database Segments
- Not a Customer - These are customers who are not on your database but are about to become first timers.
- First Timers - Customers who have booked once only
- Convertees - Customers who have booked twice. Hence the name 'convertee' as they have made the leap from 1 initial visit to second. Customers who are Convertees have attended twice over the last 3 years. They must have attended once in the last 18 months.
- Actives - Customers who are active have attended three or more times over the last 3 years. They must have attended once in the last 18 months.
- VIPs - Customers who are VIP can be either Members or Groups. We segment them as their booking patterns are very different to other customers.
- Stales - Stale customers have not attended for a set number of months. You can choose the stale period but we would recommend it is around 18 months.
Hints and Tips
- It is important to run the Flow Chart over different time frames to understand how your database is effected by changes in programming and marketing.
- The Flow Chart can be used to help determine what marketing strategy should be adopted. Is that a maintain strategy where you are trying to keep the balance or are you in a period where you want to adopt a growth strategy because your database is shrinking?
- A great advantage of the Balanced Database is that customers are automatically re-calculated if they go on to buy more tickets or if they become lapsed. This means no extra work for you to keep the segments right up to date.
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