Y Axis options glossary

These are the different filter options you can pick when running Event Analysis or Business Performance.

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  • Avg. Booking Time - Analyse sales and customer filters against the average booking time. For example, the average booking time against discount codes.
  • Avg. Spend Per Trans - Analyse sales and customer filters against the average spend per transaction. For example, the average spend per transaction against postal area.
  • Bookers - Analyse sales and customer filters against the count of customers.
  • Bookers % - Analyse sales and customer filters against the percentage of customers. Useful if you are looking at a large dataset.
  • Income Generated - Analyse sales and customer filters against the income generated from the events in your event band.
  • Income Generated % - Analyse sales and customer filters against the percentage of the income generated from the events in your event band. Useful if you are looking at a large dataset.
  • Ticket Yield - Analyse sales and customer filters against the ticket yield. The ticket yield is the average ticket price customers purchased for the events in your event band.
  • Ticket Sold - Analyse sales and customer filters against the count of tickets sold.
  • Ticket Sold % - Analyse sales and customer filters against the percentage of tickets sold for the events in your event band.


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