Event Analysis
Using Event Bands, Event Analysis is a tool to analyse customers who attend events on a number of variables such as;
sales patterns, customer behaviour, customer demographics and performance and event behaviour.
Step 1. Create your Event Band
Event Analysis is run on Event Bands, you can find a guide on how to create them here. They are located in Vital Statistics under Tools > Search for...Event Bands
Step 2. Navigate to Event Analysis

Event Analysis is located under the Analysis Tab. If you are located on the homepage, hover over the Analysis option in the right hand menu and click on Event Analysis.
Step 3. Select your Event Band

The Event Analysis page has a left hand menu where you make your selections.
Choose the Event Band you wish to analyse from the drop down menu which is ordered in alphabetical order. You can only select one event band at a time.
Step 4. Select an Analysis option

The Analysis drop down menu gives you two options - Customer Analysis and Sales Analysis. They each have a selection of audience behaviours that you can analyse.
- Customer Analysis - Variables based on the customer itself such as postcode.
- Sales Analysis - Variables based on the transactions customers made to the events in the event band.
Step 5. Select an X axis option

Once you have picked your Analysis option, you have a selection of filters. You can see a full glossary of these options here. What you pick is completely dependent on the analysis you are trying to create, so it is best to write down what you want to achieve and then find the option that matches your aim.
Step 6. Select a Y axis option

Once you have picked your X Axis option, you have a selection of audience filters. You can see a full glossary of these options here.
These will change the results based on if you are interested in the results based on bookers, income or tickets. For example, your analysis may be to look into the revenue impact of customers who go to classical music events.
Step 7. Click Display Chart

Once you are happy with your selection click Display Chart. Your chart will then be displayed in the centre of the screen.
Step 8. Changing the configuration of the chart

To change how the chart looks, update the Configure Chart options on the bottom of the left hand menu. For example, by updating the Chart Type you can make the graph into a pie chart or line chart or if the labels are too large you can make them smaller by changing the label font size options.
Step 9. Saving the Results
- Click 'View Data' in the top right to see the data behind the chart. You can copy the data to excel if you wish by highlighting the table and using copy and paste.
- Click ‘Print Chart’ to keep a friendly version of the graph.
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