Segments - How do I create a segment using customised classifications to exclude certain customers?
When creating a Segment, you may wish to exclude some customers from being included in the segment: perhaps you want to analyse non-members only, or you want to send a mailing promoting your Christmas show, and therefore need to remove anyone who's already booked to see the show you're promoting.
Perhaps you want to exclude customers by the Classification(s) they fall under; many venues apply Classification Codes to customers at the point of transaction. If none of the Classification Codes applied at a box office level are suited to your needs, you can create your own. This is a great way to identify customers who have particular requests about how they can be contacted. A customer can have multiple Classification Codes applied to their record.
First, find the customer(s) you wish to create Classification Codes for. Hover over "Tools", then "Search for", and click on "Customer". Use the search filters to find customers using their first name, surname, email address etc.

Click on the Customer Number of the customer you are interested in, and scroll down to the "Classifications" section of their customer record. Click on "Manage Coding Sets" to add new Sets and Codes.

First, you need to create a new Set. The Set is the overgroup title of the group, whilst each Code in the set is one of the members of the group.
Give the Set a name, and click "OK".

Now click "Add New Code"

Give the Code a name, and click "OK".

Add as many codes as you want to the Set. See below for the examples of Exclusions you may want to use.
When you're finished, clck "Save Changes" and close the window.

You're now able to apply the customised Classification Set/Code you created to this customer, and to any other customers you want.
Go to the Classifications section in their customer record, and first select which Set you want to choose a Code from. Then select which Code you want to apply from that set. Click "Add", and the customer record will reload with that Set/Code applied (if you want to remove it, simply click the red "X").

Tick the "Do not filter by ticketing history" option near the bottom of the page: this will take you directly to the "Filter by customer's attributes" filters.

Choose "Classified Customers" and "equals" from the drop-down option, and click on the "[...]" box at the right.

In the page that opens, you can either search for the Classification Code you wish to exclude by looking for the Set it's in...
...or, if you know the Code name, you can search for it by full- or partial-name.
NB: if you leave everything blank and simply click "search", you will be given a list of every single Classification Code available. This is useful if you just want to see what's available!
The results will appear in a list: tick the one(s) you want to exclude by, and click "Insert Selected", and then "Save".

When you click "Save and Count" it will total how many customers you have with that Classification Code applied. Then click "Back", and finally "Refresh Segment". Your list of customers will then be everyone whom you wished to include, MINUS anyone with the Classification Code(s) you chose in the "Remove From Selection" tab.
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