Integrate with Sendinblue and send email campaigns directly from Vital Statistics
Our integration means that you don't need to extract any mailing list data to upload. Vital Statistics uploads the data straight into Sendinblue.
Key Features
- Select customers in Vital Statistics based on customer behaviour - including open, click-through and purchasing tickets
- Schedule your email campaign from Vital Statistics to ensure you don't mail customers who have already purchased tickets
- Full circle analysis and reporting - Track open rates and unsubscribes through to understanding which of your email recipients attended and purchased tickets for future performances.
Getting Started
In order to integrate with Sendinblue, the following check list will ensure that you are good to go
Stating the obvious, but..
- You have a Vital Statistics account which includes 'Segments' for creating Mailing Lists
- You have a Sendinblue license which covers the number of customers you would like to contact each month
Generate a Sendinblue API Key
Follow the up to date instructions at in order to generate an APIv3 Key. You may wish to name this 'Purple Seven' though the name does not impact the service.
Use a secure method to provide Purple Seven with this APIv3 Key. is a reliable and safe way to do this. Create a new note, then copy the link (e.g.: and email this to [email protected].
Once we have your API key, we can configure your VS account to activate the Sendinblue integration.
Step 1. Create Campaign in Sendinblue
Design your campaign in Sendinblue, ensuring you follow these steps:
- Complete the 'Setup' and 'Design' sections of the Campaign Builder, making sure you are happy with all the content and have tested the look of the email.
- Do not complete the 'Recipients' section.
- When you’ve happy – click Save & Quit.
- This is now a draft campaign.
Step 2. Create your customer list
Create the Segment of customers that you want your campaign to be sent to.
<<more information about creating segments>>
TIP: Be sure to filter out any customers that don’t have a valid email using the filter in the ‘Filter by Customer Attributes’ tab
- Once you’re happy with your segment – go to the Event or the Event Band that you are promoting.
- Click ‘Add Mailing’
Step 2. Set up your Mailing in Vital Statistics

- Give your mailing a name
- Choose the Media Type ‘Email (VS)’
- Specify, days to evaluate and unit cost
- Select the Sendinblue Campaign using the Search button that appears – only draft campaigns will appear
- You can either send the mailing straight away or send on schedule. If you send it on schedule, select this button then fill in the options of date and time. Make sure that your Sendinblue account is set up for the same time zone!
TIP: If you choose to send it manually the campaign will go once you click on the 'flag as sent' on the View Mailing page
- Select the segment you have created for this campaign.
- When you are ready click ‘Save’.
- On the Mailing View page if you are happy with your settings click ‘Flag as Sent'
- Your mailing will now be sent to Sendinblue to be delivered
TIP: Your customer list will be sent to Sendinblue and your campaign sent to those people. If your Sendinblue account has other customers already in the list, they will not receive the campaign unless they are also in the VS Segment.
Step 3. Tracking the Response

Once your mailing is active any ticket purchases for the event/s in the campaign will be tracked in Vital Statistics
Alongside the Vital Statistics tracking we also feed through Clicked, Opened, Bounced and Unsubscribed rates from Sendinblue.
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