Vital Statistics FAQ's
Here are frequently asked questions from Vital Statistic users.
I can't log in...
If you can't log in try some of these tips before you contact us
On our website click on Client Login in the top right hand corner. On this page, make sure you are clicking on Vital Statistics on the left hand side. If you're unsure use this link -
If you are trying to log in using the link above and you are getting the message 'User name or password incorrect' than check your details first before trying again. Make sure your username is your email address and if you are copying and pasting a password try writing it in as sometimes this does not work.
You are likely to see the message 'You already have an open session through IPAddress XX.XXX.XXX.XX dated on ....' If you see this message it just means that you didn't log out on your last session and just closed the broswer. You can safely press OK for this message.
If you are still struggling, use the 'Can't log in?' option in the bottom right to reset your password.
The data looks out of date...

In the top left hand side of your Vital Statistics homepage you will see the DDX Status. The DDX is the daily data extractor that feeds your account with daily updates. You should see 3 green ticks to represent your account is up to date. The Data Current to date shows you the last dates of transactions we received.
If the date is not the day before there may be a problem with the DDX. Send us an email at [email protected] and we'll take a look for you.
My account is running really slowly...
Vital Statistics is an online solution so will occasionally be effected by the efficiency of the internet.
PLEASE do not press the button again if the report or segment is been sent to run and it is running slowly to pull up the results. This will not increase the speed in which we deliver the results to you as i'm sure you're aware!
`Our best tip is to go away, check your emails and it should have run for you in the meantime. It will depend on the complexity of what you are running but we would expect results to appear within 15 seconds. If you are waiting for more than 2 minutes there is likely to be an issue with your account and it is worth dropping us an email at [email protected]
I can't find my event...
Occasionally you might not be able to find what you're looking for. It is worth looking back in your ticketing system to see how something is named exactly as this is how it will be displayed in Vital Statistics. The box office may have had to call it something quirky if you have already had the event before.
If your event is still not showing check the ticket sales. We don't always show events in Vital Statistics until the first ticket is purchased.
Your event may be hiding under another event.. For example, depending on how you upload events into your ticketing system will impact how it is displayed in Vital Statistics. if your event is one performance within a host of events you will need to know what the overall series of events was named first and search for this.
I am creating a segment, and I am getting a running total of 0...
There can be a number of reasons for this. Firstly, read our guide on creating Segments to give you a good overview on the filters available.
If you are getting a count of 0 it might be that you are trying to use the same segment filter twice which is a no-can-do. You will need to use 2 separate criteria and use the 'get people who fit all' option. A guide to using this can be found here.
The other reason could be that within your remove from selection you are cancelling out those people you have identified in your include in selection. For example: you want to identify customers who have booked for Musical X. You remove bookers who have previously booked for any Musical using an event band you have created identifying all Musicals. This event band includes Musical X and therefore cancels out your criteria.
How do I add new users?
In the interests of security we require that all users are created their own login. By sharing old logins or your own details you could be putting yourself at risk. For data protection purposes we recommend that everyone is accountable for use of the data under their own login. Every VS account can have unlimited users so there is no financial reason to share user login credentials.
This principle is also true when people leave your organisation. Please notify us and we can remove their access from your Vital Statistics account.
To create a new user: (you will need administrator status to create and delete users)
1/ Login to your VS account
2/ Go to Help>Configuration on the menu bar
3/ Go to Maintenance>Users on the left hand menu
To add a user click the ADD USER button and follow the on screen instructions. An automated email containing login instructions and a temporary password will be sent to the email address you entered.
Find the user in your list and click on the REMOVE link.
Any questions, don't hesitate to contact support.
Any other questions?
If you can't find the answer to your question through this Knowledge Base please let us know so we can keep this site up to date and as useful as possible.
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