Event Bands
An Event Band groups together events based on your search criteria. They can be used for analysis purposes, campaign tracking or sales tracking.
Step 1. Navigate to Event Band page
Under the Tools tab, choose the option 'Search For..' then select Event Bands. This will take you to the Event Band homepage.
Step 2. Create a new Event Band Folder

From the Event Band homepage, select Manage Folders and Create New Folder. Name your Event Band and press OK, it will then show and you can edit the Folder Name if any typo's or you change your mind. Once you're happy, click on the grey cross in the top right corner to go back.
Step 3. Create a new Event Band

Click on 'New Event Band' and fill in the required details. Select Save when you are ready to proceed.
Step 4. Add Events to Event Band
Selecting a large number of events

If you are creating an Event Band with more than 50 events you need to ensure you scroll to the bottom of the Search Results and change the criteria to show All.
Step 5. Save and Action
Hit Save once you're happy. Remember, if you have 50 events exactly in your event band then double check you have added them all in.
The Event Band page will now update with your selection. It is now ready to use in your analysis.
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