Universes is an additional module for Vital Statistics for complex segment selection.
The Universe functionality means you can perform the following;
- export customers from a range of segments at one time
- dedupe customers so that they only feature once in your export
- choose to only export a number of customer records, prioritised by the segments
- export only the records you need to fulfil your mailing
Step 1. Create or identify the segments for your Universe
The first step of creating a Universe is to build a selection of segments OR identify the segments you want to build into a Universe.
Step 2. Ensure the segments are up-to-date
Before you can add segments to the Universe, make sure you have refreshed them and they are bang up to date.
Step 3. Navigate to Universes
Under the Campaigns tab, choose the option Universes. This will take you to the Universes homepage.
Step 4. Create new Universe

Click on the 'New Universe' button on the homepage.
Fill in the details in the top box, particularly any which have a red dash at the front. These are required before you continue.
- Code - This could be a unique code to help you identify the Universe in the future such as a date or user intitals.
- Name - The name of your Universe to help you identify it going forward.
- Description - Describe in more detail the purpose of the Universe and what segments will be added
- Universe Folder - Pick the destination folder of where the Universe will be saved.
Next, choose how you want to dedupe the customers in the Universe.
Select your dedupe

Once you have filled in the details in the top box, you will need to choose the dedupe method.
The dedupe takes into account bookers that may feature in more than one of the segments. We provide a range of dedupe options depending on the quality of your customer data.
Choose your dedupe method and click 'Save & Close'
Step 5. Add segments

Next, click 'Add Segment'. Search for the segments you wish to add to the Universe and tick to select them using the left hand box. Click on the Save button when you are ready.
Step 6. Prioritise segments in Universe
Next, click on 'Edit Universe' at the top of the page. This will take you to the screen as above.
On this page you can do the following;
- Prioritise the segments within the Universe - Move the segments up or down to decide which have priority. This is very useful if you are exporting only a selection of the records
- Change the dedupe preference
- Progress to exporting the customer data
Step 7. Export data
Click on 'Export' in the bottom right hand corner.
Select Export Records

Next, select the number of records you want to export.
- Select 'Export all records from selected segment(s) if you want to download all deduped records in the Universe
- Or select 'Export random sample from selected segment(s) and choose to export a % of all records or choose to export exactly X number of records
Select the columns you want displayed

Select the columns you want displayed. Select the customer details you need to fulfil your mailing.
Remaining Records

Select the records you wish to leave within your Universe once you have exported the customer records.
Click on 'Append & Export' when you are ready to go! The file will download and you have your perfectly formed deduped file.
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