Touring Organisations: how to find and request your event data
If you're a Touring organisation with access to Vital Statistics, you can search for and request to see event data from any organisation with a Purple Seven "Daily Data Extractor" (DDX) installed (subject to the necessary data-sharing permission forms being signed).
This allows you to have a CRM system that shows you all of your event data in one place, enabling you to perform event and customer segmentation and analysis on the spot, without having to export or combine different datasets from various sources.
First, log into Vital Statistics, and then navigate to the "Touring" section.

Your Touring page contains the details of:
1. All venues with a DDX where you have (or have had in the past) events.
2. Options to see all events you have ever:
- had shared with you
- you have requested but which have not yet been shared
- requested the data of and then cancelled that request
- requested the data of which has been rejected by the host organisation
To make a new event share request, click on "Request more"

You can find the event(s) that you want shared with you by searching by Country, Venue, Keyword or Date - or, to narrow it down, a combination of the different filters.

In this example, I've selected the venue, and then searched by Keyword (one of the words in the event's title).

All possible events that match the filters you chose will appear: choose which event(s) you want the event data shared with you for by clicking on the green tick at the left to request it.

This will move the event(s) you're requesting up into the "selected" section. Search for and "tick" as many events as you want, using different filter options. Once you've selected all the events you want shared with you, click "Next".
NB: take extra care to make sure you're only requesting event data for your organisation's events: some event titles can be very similar, so always cross-reference the event title against the event date!

You will see a pop-up box: if you want to send an email through Vital Statistics to your contact at the host organisation notifying them that you have made some event share requests, simply fill in their email address and name, and click "Next".

If you DON'T want to send an email through Vital Statistics to the host organisation, simply untick the box at the top, then click "Save and Close".

If you go back to the Touring page and refresh it, the event(s) you have requested will show up in the "Pending Requests" tab, until they have been approved by the host organisation.

What the Host organisation sees
This is useful for you to know in case you need to prompt the host organisation to approve your event share request!
The host organisation logs into their Vital Statistics account, and navigates to their Touring page.

They will immediately see a list of all event requests: all they need to do is click on the green tick to approve them, and the event data will feed through to the Touring organisation's Vital Statistics account.

If you have any questions, you can contact Purple Seven support anytime at [email protected]
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