Sales Overview Dashboard
This dashboard offers in depth analysis of key sales metrics, across time, comparing these figures with the previous 12 month period.
At the top of the chart the user can define the filters to apply to the dashboard. These include:
Date: define the period of data to be investigated
Location: different spaces that are ticketed through your system
Event: where there was more than one performance, this will group all performances
Level: view the data by Year or Month
DATE FILTER: Users can select specific date or use the pre-defined date periods by right clicking on the down arrow to the right of the TO date box.
The final filter at the top of the dashboard is the metric you can investigate. This includes:
REVENUE (default)
ATP (average ticket price)
RAW DATA (displays a scrollable table of raw data)
Performance Summary
To toggle between the 'pages' of this dashboard, use the pink buttons in the left hand margin

The Performance Summary dashboard shows volume of shows and occupancy over time. The filters are slightly different on this dashboard:
DATE: as with other date filters, you can specify dates or use the predefined date period by right clicking on the drop down arrow to the right of the TO filter.
LOCATION: includes all locations that are ticketed through your box office as a default
LEVEL: choose the period over which to breakdown the data - Year, Month, Day
The final filter on the dashboard is to choose between OCCUPANCY or OCCUPANCY 100% (adjusted to show comparable stats) or the raw data.
Interpret the chart
The BLUE LINE across the chart shows the number of performances on sale. From the chart above, you can see a spike in volumes of performances in May.
Occupancy or tickets sold are shown on the bar chart in PINK
Unsold occupancy is shown on the bars in GREY
Showing OCCUPANCY across time is useful to show the volumes of performances across the year. To compare occupancy achieved by month, switch the chart to OCCUPANCY 100% so you are comparing like with like.
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