Audit: Patron Spend
The Audit: Patron Spend report gives you the customer, tickets and revenue breakdown by spend on within a date range of events.
Step 1. Choose the Audit: Patron Spend
Navigate to the INSIGHTS module then to the CUSTOMERS section. Here, you will find the Audit: Patron Spend report. Click GO to run it.
Step 2. Add your parameters to the Report settings

Choose the Event Start Date, then Event End Date. These dates will narrow down the selection of location and events available for selection,
Next, choose the Locations, and then choose the Events by either selecting all or choosing specific events.
Always follow this set order when adding your parameters. Then hit View Report and wait for the results to load.
Step 3. Interpret the Report
The Report tells you how much a customer has spent in your selected date range, location and events. For example, using the report below for a frequency of 2 that means 1,116 customers made 2 visits within the events you selected. The visits could have been to any 2 events aslong as they are in your selection.
The graph demonstrates the results underneath. The bar chart shows you the proportion of bookers, tickets and revenue for each frequency and the line graph shows you the average ticket yield.
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