Travel Time

Calculated on customer postcode to the venue postcode, this dashboard shows both travel time and distance, indicating the primary catchment for a venue. 

Filter by date

Users can filter by date using the calendar controls at the top of the report or use any of the pre-defined time periods by right clicking on the drop down arrow to the right of the TO calendar control. 

Filter by Event

Using the EVENT drop down, users can filter all metrics on the dashboard to show insights for a single or multiple events. 

Filter by client type

Customer records are coded in the following groups based on ANY transaction in their ticketing history in the last 3 years: 

BB10: BlockBookers with 10-24 tickets

BB25: BlockBookers with 25-49 tickets

BB50: BlockBookers with 50+ tickets

CORP: Bookers who are likely to be a business based on their postcode

NOD: Customers with no data capture

PTRN: Patrons or Single Ticket Buyers (includes subscribers and members)

VPC: Venue Postcode (this can be any venue, not just your venue)

Change the Chart View

Users can change the view of this metric that shows average drive distance and drive time over time to be displayed by DAY / MONTH / YEAR


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