Summary: Sales By Year
The Summary: Sales By Year report gives you a breakdown of key performance indicators by calendar year.
Step 1. Choose the Summary: Sales By Year Report
Navigate to the INSIGHTS module, scroll to the SALES section. Here you will find the Summary: Sales By Year report. Click GO to run the report.
Step 2. Add your parameters to the Report settings

Once you have chosen the Location(s) you want to run the report on, click on View Report. We recommend you then view the report as a PDF.
Step 3. Interpret the Report
Using this simple report you can quickly compare these key performance indicators.
Hints and Tips
- This report is best downloaded as a PDF using the export functionality at the top of the page.
- It is always important to give your results context. If your sales are up or down you can understand if this has been influenced by a change in the number of performances, customers, visits, tickets and revenue.
- Compare the locations at your organisation to see which are performing well in comparison.
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