Summary: Data Hygiene
The Summary: Data Hygiene report gives you a breakdown of the state of your customer database.
Step 1. Choose the Summary: Data Hygiene Report
Navigate to the INSIGHTS module then scroll to the UTILITIES section at the bottom of the screen. Click GO to run the report.
The Summary: Data Hygiene report is an instant report so there is no need to add in any parameters.
Step 2. Interpret the Report
Quality of data capture is vital to any organisation's marketing effort. The following summarises some of the key performance indicators for data collection. Note, these counts exclude tickets sold on the door.
The report is broken down into 4 sections
Data Omitted From Fields

Audit your database on a regular basis to ensure you are collecting data to perform the marketing tasks required.

Every 6 months we suggest you check your duplicate levels and take the opportunity to download the names to dedupe in your ticketing system. This will then be pulled through into Vital Statistics.
DPA Status

The data protection agreement with your customers is key to the start of their journey and relationship with you. For every customer that answers no that is one less customer you can encourage to make a repeat visit.
Suspect Accounts

All organisations have to process tickets through the ticketing system for administration purposes. Keeping these accounts to a minimum and correctly labelled will mean they don't affect customer analysis.
Hints and Tips
- Run this report every 6 months to keep on top of your data hygiene.
- Your database is your most important asset and so training your box office team on the importance of data collection and data hygiene is imperative. Do they know why collecting data correctly is so important?
- Audience insight and analysis is only as good as the data that goes into it. There is no point in doing any work to understand your audience better without a clean database.
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