Can I preview the data before it is sent?
For DDX for SQL clients, the DDX has functionality for you to preview the scripts that are going to be run, but not the data.
There are data validation reports that we can deploy to your Purple Seven account (upon request) that will enable you to perform data validations on the data we are holding on your behalf.
To view the scripts you will need to configure the DDX according to this guide but follow these additional steps:
1. on the ‘Settings’ tab, edit the account and ensure that the ‘Enabled’ setting in the DDX is not ticked (the DDX won’t send data when this is unticked).
2. Click the ‘View Scripts’ button. This will allow you to review the scripts that are being used.

The DDX uses the same scripts each time it runs, but the WHERE clause of the SQL script is changed to collect data from the date of the last transaction received (after a 2-year historical extract has been performed).
It is possible to install a DDX that does not transfer customer PII however this will preclude the use of some functionality and reporting that requires customer information. Contact support to find out more.
Custom Scripts
We recognise that the privacy policy of our Clients may prevent us from implementing our standard data extract solutions. We have made available to those clients (who are using our DDX for SQL) the ability for the client to control exactly what data is collected via the DDX.
For example if the client is part of a consortia and the standard methods for identifying a single organisations data does not apply to this situation, the Data Owner may want to control how the data is filtered.
Similarly the clients privacy policy may be specific about which pieces of PII can be used for research purposes and therefore the Data Owner may need to exclude some pieces of PII from the extracts.
We will supply to the Data Owner our standard extract scripts which can be modified by them and returned to us to be implemented inside the data collection software (DDX). The Data Owner has visibility as to exactly what scripts are being used against their data.
When customising the scripts it is critical that:
- The same columns and column names are returned back to the DDX as are contained in the standard scripts. The values of these columns may return no data – but the column must be present.
Because the data is collected daily, it’s important that the scripts are compatible with our data processes once it has arrived on our servers. In order that the data we hold is an accurate reflection of the data on your system (a key element of many privacy laws) we support two methods:
- Daily sales – all additions, updates and deletions that have happened since a given date are sent to the DDX. For example we may receive a customer record whose data was updated yesterday even if there was no sales activity.
- Performance sales – all sales held for a performance that took place after a given date is sent. This is used where the auditing at a record level is not available to the scripts and so the only way to ensure we hold accurate sales data is to simply pull all the sales against those performances on a daily basis.
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