Advance Sales
Cash is King and this insight is designed to help organisations understand their cash position from ticket sales and indicate how far in advance customers are starting to book.
The KEY METRICS dashboard looks only at Qtr 3 figures. To look in more detail at all months, click through to the full dashboard.
Quarters are aligned with the calendar year:
Quarters | Months |
Quarter 1 | Jan / Feb / March |
Quarter 2 | Apr / May / June |
Quarter 3 | Jul / Aug / Sept |
Quarter 4 | Oct / Nov Dec |
Advance - Key Metric
In the example above, this venue is performing BETTER than the benchmark group by 19% - in cash terms this means there is £106,999 in the bank relating to tickets sold for events in QTR3 compared with an average of £90,288 for the benchmark group.
Advance - detailed dashboard
Clicking through to the detailed dashboard will show the advance by month, compared with this time last year.
This chart does NOT show the final sales figures for events in a future month last year but instead, it is showing the point advance sales had reached at this time last year. If you hover able the bars you will see the actual figures.
For example: looking at August for this organisation the hover over reveals advance revenues of approx £67k for the current year compared with £6k for the same time last year.
Looking at December, the position is reversed and at this time last year, this organisation had generated more revenues for Dec than they have this year.
Switch to Tickets
Toggle between Revenue and Tickets using the orange button at the top of the dashboard.
Compare to the Benchmark
Use the tabs at the top of the dashboard to compare your advance sales for the current year with those of your colleagues in the benchmark group.
The example above shows this organisation has £65k advance revenues in Aug - far higher than the benchmark group who are averaging £20k. Whereas, later in the year, the benchmark revenues for Sept / Oct / Nov & Dec are significantly higher than this organisation.
The panel on the right hand side offers an overview of your advance in the context of the benchmark based on all the months shown on the chart.

In the example above, this organisation is - overall - performing less well than the benchmark group with advance revenues of £269,901 compared with £354,969.

However, this is not even across the year and Q3 is currently looking positive with cash in the bank of £106,999 - higher than the average for the benchmark of £90,288 for the same period.
When using this chart, please also consider what refunds / credits / donations may have yet to be processed for current months or indeed, which month credits may have been pushed to on your ticketing system as this will affect the distribution and £ of your figures across the year.
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