Revenue (year to date)

Watch an overview video looking at Revenue and Tickets (YTD)

Revenue YTD - overview

This section shows revenues for the current year (calendar year) compared with the same period in the previous year.  

In the example below this organisation has seen a fall in revenues of -26% compared with a fall across the benchmark group of -30%. Compared with the benchmark, this organisation is performing better by +3%.

Revenue YTD - detail

When you drill down to the detail of this chart, you can see the Revenue generated over time. 

Revenue for the current year is shown as a solid orange line

Revenue for the previous year is shown as a dotted orange line

Revenue for the benchmark is shown in green

remove lines from the chart using the blue check boxes

In the example there is a clear change in the week beginning 16 March when there is a clear divergence between the revenue tracking for the previous year compared with the revenue for the current year. 

The benchmark (green line) also drops away reflecting the close down of theatres in the UK. 


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