UK & EU: Which benchmark group am I in?
Each organisation is coded to appear in a benchmark group. This will group together organisations of a similar scale and type.
The 8 groups being used are:
Benchmark Group | Description |
West End | SOLT members |
Other Presenting | Smaller presenters including arts centres and arthouse cinemas |
Large Producing | Major producing houses & producing opera houses. |
Concert Halls | Concert halls or major arts centres where the main performance space is a concert hall |
Medium Presenting | 400-1000 seat presenting house but not a concert hall |
Medium Producing | All other producers |
Other | Festivals, touring companies, ticket agents |
Large Presenting | 1000+ presenting house but not a concert hall |
You can check which group your organisation has been coded to by visiting your dashboard. Your benchmark group can be found on the menu bar to the left of the dashboard.

Can I change my benchmark group?
Yes, if you feel your organisation is in the wrong group please contact us and let us know which group you would like to be moved to.
My Benchmark Group is NATIONAL - what does this mean?
In order to ensure the benchmark figures are robust and meaningful, we need to reach a critical mass of participating organisations. If your ORG TYPE is showing as NATIONAL this means you are being compared against all organisations with a live data feed in you country.
The more organisations that sign up to participate in the study, the more granular the benchmark groups will become.
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