8. Hard-Pressed Living
The population of this group is most likely to be found in urban surroundings, predominately in northern England and southern Wales. There is less non-White ethnic group representation than elsewhere in the UK, and a higher than average proportion of residents born in the UK and Ireland.
Rates of divorce and separation are above the national average. Households are more likely to have non-dependent children and are more likely to live in semi-detached or terraced properties, and to socially rent.
There is a smaller proportion of people with higher level qualifications, with rates of unemployment above the national average. Those in employment are more likely to be employed in the mining, manufacturing, energy, wholesale and retail, and transport related industries.
Age structure and ethnic group representation broadly reflects the parent supergroup. There is a higher proportion of households living in detached and semi-detached properties, with slightly higher property ownership than for the supergroup. Industrious communities have a broadly similar demographic to the supergroup in terms of age group, occupation and population density, however slightly less overcrowding exists in this group. Ownership of two or more cars or vans is also marginally higher.
Industrious Communities Sub Groups
8a1 – Industrious transitions
The subgroup is broadly similar to the parent group in terms of age groups and ethnic diversity. Compared with the parent group, social renting is less common while a higher proportion of residents live in detached properties. This subgroup exhibits slightly higher proportions of residents in the information and communication, and financial related industries, together with slightly higher levels of educational qualifications.
8a2 – Industrious hardship
Age structure and ethnicity for this subgroup are consistent with the parent group. This subgroup has a higher proportion of residents who live in semi-detached properties, and social renting is more common, with marginally higher overcrowding. There is a smaller proportion of people in the information and communication, and financial related industries, and slightly higher levels of unemployment
A key difference with this group compared with the parent supergroup is the dominance of terraced housing over other types. Ownership of two or more cars and non-White ethnic group representation is also lower. The group has a similar age structure to the supergroup and similar employment characteristics.
Challenged Terraced Workers Sub Groups
8b1 – Deprived blue-collar terraces
Whilst for this subgroup, the age structure is broadly similar to the parent group, it is characterised by a higher degree of non-White ethnic group representation, and higher levels of households in private rented accommodation. There are also marginally higher levels of educational qualifications with employment in the information and communication, financial, and education sectors more prevalent than with the parent group.
8b2 – Hard pressed rented terraces
For this subgroup, age structure and representation of ethnic groups are broadly similar to the parent group. There is a higher proportion of households living in semi-detached properties, and a noticeably higher proportion living in socially rented accommodation. There is also a slightly higher use of public transport for commuting to work.
Residents who live in this group have a broadly similar age structure to the supergroup, though a smaller proportion of young people and higher proportion of older people. There is less non-While ethnic group representation than with the parent supergroup. Employment characteristics for this group closely reflect those for the supergroup.
Hard Pressed Ageing Workers Sub Groups
8c1 – Ageing industrious workers
This subgroup is characterised by a slightly older age profile, and a higher proportion of mixed ethnicity of the residents compared with the parent group. Households are more likely to live in detached properties, and to live in privately rented accommodation. Residents have higher educational qualifications, whilst workers are more likely to be employed in the information and communication, and financial related industries.
8c2 – Ageing rural industry workers
The age structure is very similar to the parent group, though there is lower non-White ethnic group representation. Households are slightly more likely to live detached or terraced housing, and to be living in private rented accommodation when compared with the parent group. This subgroup contains considerably higher proportions of workers in agriculture, forestry and fishing occupations than the parent group, with a higher proportion of people walking and/or cycling to work.
8c3 – Renting hard-pressed workers
This subgroup has smaller proportions of older residents, and ethnic group representation is reasonably similar to the parent group. A higher proportion of households live in semi-detached properties and flats compared with the parent group, and households are more likely to live in socially rented accommodation. Household overcrowding and unemployment is marginally higher than the parent group. Workers are more likely to work in transport or storage industries, and to use public transport to travel to work.
This group has a higher proportion of children aged 0 to 14 than the supergroup, with a higher representation of non-While ethnic groups. Households are more likely to live in terraced houses or flats, and to socially rent their property. Unemployment is noticeably higher than for the supergroup, and people are more likely to be employed in the tertiary industry (service) sector, and use public transport to get to work.
Migration & Churn Sub Groups
8d1 – Young hard-pressed families
The age structure for this subgroup largely reflects the parent group. There is a lower non-White ethnic group representation, particularly for people of mixed ethnicity. Households in socially rented accommodation are more prevalent than with the parent group, and unemployment is higher. Certain industries such as the information and communication related industries are underrepresented with this subgroup.
8d2 – Hard-pressed ethnic mix
This subgroup is generally characterised by higher levels of non-White ethnic group representation, particularly of persons of mixed and Black ethnicity, together with an older age structure than for the parent group. Households are more likely to live in flats, and more likely to own their own property. There are also a higher proportion of workers in the information and communication, and financial related industries, whilst unemployment is marginally lower than for the parent group.
8d3 – Hard-Pressed European Settlers
The key characteristic of this subgroup is the higher proportion of residents who were born in new EU countries compared with the parent group, and a younger age structure. Main language not Office for National Statistics Pen Portraits 20 English or Welsh is also more prevalent. Households in this subgroup are more likely to live in privately rented accommodation when compared with the parent group. Unemployment is marginally lower than for the parent group, with those in employment more likely to travel to work by walking or cycling, and employed in agriculture and manufacturing related industries.
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