1. Rural Residents

The population of this supergroup live in rural areas that are far less densely populated compared with elsewhere in the country. They will tend to live in large detached properties which they own and work in the agriculture, forestry and fishing industries. The level of unemployment in these areas is below the national average. Each household is likely to have multiple motor vehicles, and these will be the preferred method of transport to their places of work. The population tends to be older, married and well educated. An above average proportion of the population in these areas provide unpaid care and an above average number of people live in communal establishments (most likely to be retirement homes). There is less ethnic integration in these areas and households tend to speak English or Welsh as their main language.


1a. Farming Communities

This group has a lower population density than the supergroup, and people are less likely to live in communal establishments. There is a higher proportion of households living in detached properties when compared with the supergroup and much lower proportions living in terraced properties and flats. Households are less likely to live in social rented accommodation. There is a higher proportion of people working in the agriculture industry compared with the supergroup.

Farming Communities Sub-Groups

1a1. rural workers and families

The population of this subgroup has a slightly higher proportion of people aged 0 to 4 when compared with the group. Households are slightly more likely to live in detached properties, and less likely to live in other types of property. They are also slightly more likely to live in overcrowded conditions than the group and for household members to be unemployed.

1a2. established farming communities

Compared with the parent supergroup, households in this subgroup are more likely to live in a terraced or end-terraced house. People are slightly more likely to use public transport to get to work. Those in employment are more likely to work in financial related industries.

1a3. agricultural communities

This subgroup has a lower population density than the group. Compared with the group, a higher proportion of households live in terraced properties or flats, and privately rent their home. The proportion of people working in agricultural industries is higher than the parent group.

1a4. older farming communities

The age make up of this subgroup is lower than the group for younger ages, but higher for ages 65 and over, and residents tend to live in more densely populated areas. Households are more likely to live in flats, though less likely to live in privately or socially rented accommodation. The proportion of people working in agricultural industries is lower than for the parent group.

1b. Rural Tenants

The age structure is very similar to the supergroup, though people are less likely to live in communal establishments. Compared with the parent supergroup, there is a higher proportion of households living in semi-detached, terraced properties and flats, with a higher proportion socially renting. People are less likely to work in the agriculture industry than for the parent supergroup.

Rural Tenants sub-groups

1b1. rural life

This subgroup is slightly more densely populated than the parent group. Households are less likely to live in flats. There are slightly more people working in the manufacturing and energy industries.

1b2. rural white-collar workers

This subgroup is slightly less densely populated than the parent group. When compared with the parent group, a higher proportion of people work in the information and communication, and financial related industries, whilst unemployment is lower

1b3. ageing rural flat tenants

When compared with the parent group there is a higher proportion of people who are aged 65 and over, and they live in slightly denser populated areas. A higher proportion of households live in flats and socially rent, whilst a lower proportion of people work in the information and communication, and financial industries.

1c. Ageing Rural Dwellers

The age structure of this group shows has a lower proportion of people aged under 65, and higher proportions aged 65 and over, particularly for the 90 and over age group. People are more likely to live in communal establishments or in detached properties.

Ageing Rural Dwellers sub groups

1c1. rural employment and retirees

This subgroup has a lower proportion of people aged 90 or over compared with the parent group. It has a slightly higher proportion of people who were born in the EU and whose main language is not English or Welsh. The proportion of people working in agricultural industries is higher than the parent group, and a higher proportion of households live in private rented accommodation.

1c2. renting rural retirement

This subgroup has a higher proportion of people aged 90 and over compared with the parent group. There is a higher proportion of households who live in terraced properties, and households are more likely to rent socially. The proportion of people working in agricultural industries is lower than the parent group.

1c3 – Detached rural retirement

This subgroup has a higher proportion of people aged 90 and over compared with the main group, a slightly higher proportion of households who live in detached properties, and a lower proportion who rent socially.


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