Event Home Page - Customer Segmentation

The Customer Segmentation dashboard displays the percentage of the event's revenue generated by Behavioural Segment type and name.


The Customer Segmentation dashboard is accessed via the 'Choose a report' dropdown menu next to each event in the event list panel of the Event Home Page dashboard:


Summary data on your selected event is displayed at the top right of the dashboard. At the top left is a button to access our guide to Behavioural Segments.

The dashboard is split into 4 panels:

  • Revenue by Segment - this pie chart displays the percentage of revenue generated for this event attributed to each segment type
  • Summary of Relationship - this bar chart displays the percentage of revenue generated for this event attributed to each segment type AND segment name within.
  • Percentage of sales made over time by segment type - this line chart displays the sales attributed to each behaviour type over time with the ability to look at Year, Month or Day.
  • Differences in Purchase Behaviour by segment type and name - this chart compares ATP, Group Size and Advance Sales data for each segment type and name against the average for the entire event and displays a red bar to the left (less than the average) or a green bar to the right (greater than the average). 

Hovering over elements in the report will provide contextual information.


This dashboard can be exported easily by right-clicking anywhere on the report, selecting 'Share' from the contextual menu, and following the steps.

You can also create a notification to have this report sent to people in your organisation on a scheduled basis by right-clicking anywhere in the report, selecting 'Notification' from the contextual menu, and following the steps.


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