HOW TO: How to use the free "Did You Enjoy That?" surveys
If you have a DDX set up with Purple Seven, then you are eligible to use our standard "Did You Enjoy That?" (DYET for short!) post-event audience feedback tool. Ask a Purple Seven team member for your unique DYET dashboard.
NOTE: the surveys are available in English only, or Welsh/English bilingual: if you want the Welsh/English version, contact the Purple Seven team!
What does DYET do, and why use it?
"Did You Enjoy That" is a post-event audience survey tool; it is used to automatically send out surveys to everyone who purchased tickets for a performance. It is possible to do this because Purple Seven receives customer/performance/transaction data via the DDX.
Surveys are sent out 2.5 hours after the event starts, which generally coincides with the end of the event. By asking customers for feedback as the event ends, it is still fresh in their minds, and they are more disposed to take the survey. Because of this, DYETs have a completion rate of over 25%, which is very good. At the time of writing, Purple Seven has sent out c. 4million surveys, and well over 1million of these have been completed; Purple Seven therefore has the greatest dataset in the UK in terms of customer feedback.
What's in the survey?
The standard DYET surveys asks the the customer to give a star rating (and optional comment) for the event, the venue and the value for money.
It then takes a short demographic survey (configured to meet Arts Council England's demographic reporting requirements):

Finally, it offers the option for customers to share the survey with anyone for whom they purchased tickets. This gives you invaluable feedback and demographic data for attendees who aren't on your ticketing system.
Does it comply with Data Protection laws?
Yes it does. The survey is sent out regarding the customer's transaction (their ticket purchase), and does not contain any promotional content (whether for the venue, Purple Seven or anything else) and therefore does not come under the jurisdiction of Data Protection laws regarding marketing communications.
If you would like to add further layers of filtering to the surveys, so that (for example) only customers who have said "yes" to Data Protection questions about being contacted are actually sent the survey, then contact Purple Seven and we can add that filter.
How do I set the surveys up?
As soon as you've got a working DDX with Purple Seven, let the team know that you'd like to use the standard DYET tool. (N.B. if you are on Ticketsolve this is not currently available to you). You will be sent a unique link to your venue's DYET dashboard.
The dashboard has two pages: "Dashboard Report" and "Manage Events". Go to "Manage Events" first.

This shows you all forthcoming events for a month in advance. It updates overnight, every night, with our Daily Data Extractor (DDX) software.
To turn a survey on, simply click on the clipboard icon next to the event(s) you wish to survey - the icon will turn orange to show that it’s “on”. Click again to turn it off again. Once “on”, the survey will automatically be sent to all ticket-buyers 2.5 hours after the event starts (to coincide with general finish times), and will remain open for 5 days.
Once the survey is “on”, you can if you wish edit the event title and the location name (the example below has “West Side Story”, taking place at [example venue]. Since the survey email details are automatically completed by the event name/location fields, the survey would say “Did you enjoy West Side Story at [example Venue]”. You can instead click on the edit icon (looks like a small pencil) to change the location to whatever you want. Click on “preview” to see what the email will look like and make any further changes if you want.
You can also add in your twitter handle and a hashtag - anyone that gives the event 4 stars or higher will be offered the chance to tweet their review to you, therefore building up and broadcasting positive twitter reviews for you for free! Click the green tick to save the edits.
There is no limit to the number of surveys you have set up to get sent out.
How do I see the results?
Go to the "Dashboard Report" page. Here you will see:
1. A summary of the previous week's activity
2. The star ratings and comments for each event (and you can click the hyperlinks to see each comment).
3. A word cloud generated by the comments, for a quick glimpse to see overall feedback.
4. A demographic summary of the week's responders.
If you're interested in the added benefits of the Pro version of DYETs (with more questions, functionality, exportable reports, bulk-edit options and much more), please contact Purple Seven!
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