DYET: Configuration, set up and twitter integration
When setting up surveys, it's best practice to schedule a regular time (whether once a week, fortnight or month) to go through all of your upcoming events and make sure that surveys are set up as required. Remember, with Pro "Did You Enjoy That?", you can set up the surveys as soon as the event data is uploaded to Vital Statistics.
Go to the Configuration page, by hovering over "Help" in the top right hand corner.

Select "Survey" in the left hand menu bar.

You can choose whether to automatically survey all events, or set them up manually, how often customers can be surveyed (by default, no customer will receive more than one survey every 60 days), sending time, survey availability length, exclusions (for example, you may want to exclude anyone who works at your organisation, or a customer who is classified as "do not contact", or customers who've asked to be unsubscribed from surveys).
NB: if you want customers to be surveyed for all events they attend, no matter how often they attend, change the "how often would you like customers to be surveyed" option to a shorter time period, such as 1 day, or leave it blank entirely.
EXCLUDING CUSTOMERS: see our chapter on "how to exclude customers from receiving the survey"

How to set up surveys
Choose the event you'd like to survey, and go into the event page. Scroll down until you find the performance(s) details.

There is a check box next to each performance: tick the one(s) for the performance(s) you'd like surveyed. If you want to survey every performance in the entire event run, tick the check box in the purple header bar, and it will automatically select all performances.
IMPORTANT: if there are more than 10 performances in the event run, make sure that you've used the option below the performances list to "show all", before setting surveys up. If you don't "show all", then it will only select and set up surveys for the performances that are visible (i.e. the first 10).

Once you have selected as many performances as you want to survey, click on "Survey Settings".

This will open a pop up window, where you can edit the name of the event, how soon after the event start time the survey is sent out, how long it remains open for, and the name of the venue. Click "Apply" and the surveys will be set up for all performances selected.

In the Performances section, the "Survey" column at the right will now have a logo in each performance with a survey set up. Click "Cancel" to turn the survey off for that performance (NB. to cancel all surveys for an event run you will need to cancel them one by one), or click "Preview" to see what the email that customers will receive looks like:

You can use the "Survey Summary" reports in the Reports List to see, benchmark, download and share the survey results.
Setting up Twitter details for automatic tweeting of positive comments
You can configure surveys so that customers who award the event a certain number of stars or higher then tweet their comments to your twitter account and to the twitter account for the event (if one exists).
First of all, go to your Configuration page for Surveys. You can select the Star rating (it defaults to 4 or higher), and add your venue's twitter handle.

Then, navigate to the event page for the event you'd like to have tweets enabled for (you can do this for as many or as few events as you want). Click on "Add Twitter details" in the top left hand corner.

You can add in an event-specific twitter handle, and an event-specific hashtag, if they exist, and click Save.

When the customers fill in their surveys, they will be asked to give a star rating and comments on the event:
Once they have completed the rest of the survey, they will click "Submit":
If they have awarded the event 4 stars or higher, they will then be given the option to tweet their comments, with the venue twitter handle, and event-specific twitter handle and hashtag automatically added in. If they only awarded three stars or lower, they will not be given this option. You can alter the minimum required star ratings in your Configuration page.
Checklist - have you...?
Gone through your Configuration, including social media handle and any exclusions?
Set up a regular time to go through your events in Vital Statistics and ensure that all the surveys you want are set up?
Made sure that you've remembered to survey ALL performances in an event run, and not just the top 10?
Added in event-specific social media handles/hashtags, if available?
Updated the event name/location name when setting the survey up, if required?
If a performance/event is cancelled, have you remember to cancel the survey?
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