Receiving Data
So, now you've completed the sign-in process: how do you view your data?
Data Sharing Homepage overview
Here is a guide to the homepage. This is unique to you as a user and not to your venue.
The homepage will show you an audit of all the events that have been shared with you. The furthest right column, 'Actions' will be blank if you have redeemed the data or it has expired or it will give you the option to 'Accept' or 'Reject' if it is new and live.
Receive a notification email
When your event matures, a triggered email invitation is sent to you to download the customer data. NOTE: there is a one-hour delay between the Venue sharing the data and you receiving the email and the event showing up in your portal.
Rather than being sent to everyone at the touring company, the venue will have specified a user who can use the share code. If you have received the Data sharing request email that means you are the representative selected to download the data.
Open the email and click on 'Redeem your share now'. This will take you to the login page: log in (remember to have your Google Authenticator app ready), and go to your homepage.

Redeem a share code
When a venue has data to make available for you, they will send you an email with a "Share Code" in; when you are ready to download the data, log in to your data sharing portal, and , click on ‘Accept’ for the event you wish to download.

Accept agreement of use and enter the share code
When you click "Accept" next to any event a pop up screen may appear. This will ask you to accept the venue's Data Protection Agreement before downloading the data. Ensure you read the agreement carefully. Click on the accept box once you are happy. Then, add the sharecode that you were emailed, and click "Submit".

Downloading the data
When you click on Submit the data will download instantly. The file will be named 'ClientData.csv'. Open up the file.

View data file
The data file will be opened and the customer details will be appear for those that booked for the event and provided permission.
Ensure you immediately save the data in a safe and secure way and remove it from your download folder on your computer. First and foremost, ensure that you follow the data protection agreement that you accepted before you downloaded the data.

Venue notification
Once you have downloaded the data, the venue will be notified that you have successfully used the share code and downloaded the data.
This completes the process.

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