Creating a Share
Here we guide you through how to share an event with a touring company.
Step 1. Navigate to Event View Page

- Log into your venue account and search for the event you wish to share in the top search bar
- Click on the name of the event to go to the event page
- Scroll to the bottom of the page and click on ‘Add New Share’ at the bottom of the page
Step 2. Event Share - Add a new share

Administrators and Standard users can both set up an event to be shared with a chosen touring company.
The following details are required in order to proceed.
- Expiry date of share code
- Touring Company Name
- The User who will receive the share code
Add an expiry date for the share code

Firstly, specify the date the share code will expire at midnight on. This gives the touring company a timeframe in which to download the data but it can be share again if they don't get the opportunity to download the data first time round.
Add a touring company and user

Next, specify the touring company and user that you wish to share this event with. The 'Touring Company' is a pre-populated database of organisations. Choose the correct company name from the drop down options. The users will then populate for you to choose who are associated to this company.
Add your settings

Next, choose the share status. ‘Ready to Share’ status ensures standard users can set up events ready for administrators to approve in advance of the event taking place.
On this screen you can also click on Preview to view the data.
Step 3. Click on Save when you're happy with your settings to return to the Event View Page
Shares for one event

Once you have saved your share options for this event you can see the summary status listed on the event view page. You may have more than one share code for the following reasons.
- The original share code expired before the touring company could download the data
- You want to share the data with more than one company. For example, if it is a Co-Production
- The touring company has 2 users that individually need to access the data and so you want to create a share code for each individual
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