Analysing audiences by segment
At an event level, it is possible to predict the composition of the audience based on their customer segment.
Having targets against each segment (for an event or season) it is then possible to measure against these which will help direct marketing activity.
Looking at past productions that share similar characteristics to the event you are promoting will help identify the most likely audience breakdown by customer segment.
Genre is the most commonly used comparator but there are others:
- time of year
- length of run
- on sale period
- price points
- profile of cast
Showplanner has been designed to analyse and calculate a sales plan based on these and other criteria, finding the best match for your event from all the data held on your ticketing a matter of seconds.
We have found genre can often be limiting. As audiences are multi-faceted human beings too (!) their choices (and the reasons for them) can be widely varied. Clustering events based on actual attendance patterns rather than assumed genre preferences often yields greater rewards.
Analysing the audience (and setting targets) by customer segment helps to focus the marketing activity.
STYLE: The communication method, tone of message, timing is likely to be different for new customers compared with your regular, 'active' attenders.
CHANNEL: Promotional activity will depend on who you are looking to attract and if you have their contact details already and permission to contact them.
TARGETED: identifying specific customer segments that are 'under-performing' for a show will direct your promotional budget as the on sale period progresses.
Practical Action...

The chart above monitors ACTUAL revenues by customer segment compared with the TARGET.
The marketing team can see at a glance where the focus of their activity should be;
1. ACTIVE and STALE customers are trending above target = no action required
2. CONVERTEE customers are borderline = require monitoring
3. FIRST TIMERS are under target = requires targeted, relevant campaign with value-add offer
4. NOT A CUSTOMER are below 50% of target = above the line / PR interventions required
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