Progress Against Sales Trajectory
By default, the first chart in the dashboard shows sales REVENUE progress against the trajectory. You can change the view to show progress by TICKETS or BOOKERS using the buttons on the left hand side.
Filter by Customer Segment
Using the filter at the top of the dashboard, you can refine the Showplanner results by customer segment.
Select the Customer Segments you wish to view and click the TICK button to save your selection

Customer Segments: for more information on the dynamic customer segment based on behaviour read this chapter
In the example chart above, you can see the revenue has dropped below target and is starting to level off. To better understand WHY and what can be done, you can use the other charts on the dashboard for greater insight.

The chart on the left illustrates all 3 key metrics - REVENUE, TICKETS, BOOKERS - that could be contributing to the sales pattern.
The third chart on the dashboard show the breakdown of bookers by customer segment.

Looking at this chart, you can see that although REVENUE is down against target, the venue is doing a good job of attracting their ACTIVE customers and have even re-invigorated some STALE customers.
Segments that are performing less well are 'NOT A CUSTOMER' i.e. brand new people to the venue, and FIRST TIMERS i.e. people who have attended once before, along with a small deficit in CONVERTEEs i.e. people who have attended twice before this event.
So what?
Knowing the breakdown of bookers by customer segment and having a target of revenue by customer segment can help focus how the marketing budget is spent for best effect.
In this example, the marketing team would choose to increase their 'above the line' activity to reach entirely new attenders and meet the NOT A CUSTOMER target, alongside targeting FIRST TIMERS where the product offering is appropriate.
The relationship with First Timers is new and fragile and requires nurturing so be cautious about targeting them with 'difficult to sell' product that may meet your sales targets but does not match their interests and will quickly undermine their trust in your marketing messages.
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