New Audiences - Understanding
Welcome to New Audiences from Purple Seven, a way of determining which geographical areas contain the most likely audiences for a given show or season.
It is based on Purple Seven’s Arts Dimensions data which uses actual engagement from over 16m arts bookers across the UK (updated quarterly) to provide accurate forecasts of where there is available and untapped potential. There are a range of Arts Dimensions you can filter by, depending on the tier you'd like to choose:
The solution uses existing ticketing data for specific events to determine the boundaries / catchment areas where there is most potential. We then measure actual penetration against a selected Dimension to rank and sort locations that are best to target your efforts.
We can even go one step further and find the households in these areas that have the most likelihood to spend and attend your event.
There are two out puts from this type of work:
- Tableau Dashboard - in order to read this file, you will need to download their free software reader that can be downloaded, here.
- Excel File - will be sent along with your Tableau file securely to be downloaded.
Working in Tableau
Here are some top tips when working in this software:
- Zoom - use the +/- to zoom in and out of your map
- Pan - use this button to move the map around
- Select - use this to draw a circle of an area you just want to focus on. Excludes anything outside that area

4. Click which tick box you'd like to filter your dashboard by

Tableau: Catchment Area

Purple Seven use four levels of catchment area named as:
1/ Core
This area will contain the geographical areas where 60% of the revenue was generated from the Base Events
2/ Primary
This area contains the geographical areas where 61% - 80% of the revenue generated from the Base Events
3/ Secondary
This area contains the geographical areas where 81% - 90% of the revenue generated from the Base Events
4/ Rest
This area contains the remaining areas that generated the lowest amount of revenue contributing the last 91% - 100% of revenue of the Base Events.
Food for thought:
It should be noted that whilst there may appear to be more potential in the primary and secondary catchment areas – they will only generate, combined, 30% of the sales. These areas are often further from the venue and / or maybe in areas with higher competition. The Core catchment area is the place where 60% of the revenue will be generated.
Tableau: Potential

Here we are exploring where audiences are most likely to spend and attend your event. The bigger the bubble the greater the potential!
How is this calculated?
We take the Expected Bookers for your event and minus the Achieved Bookers.
We also provide a table of the data to compliment these maps. These are automatically ranked by the highest potential first, showing the amount of expected bookers in each area.
Excel Tables
In an effort to support your campaigns further, we will also provide data via an Excel file that can be ranked how you like and easily exported for use with other third parties for your marketing activity.
Here are the table headers explained:
Postcode Sector
The postcode sector that we are providing data on
All Bookers
Total number of unique individuals who have bought a ticket to the Arts in the last three years
Expected Bookers
The calculated size of the market for your event(s)
Achieved Bookers
Total number of unique bookers who have purchased a ticket for the show in question at the time of the analysis
Potential Bookers
A simple calculation of the total Expected Bookers less the Achieved Bookers to date to give the total potential
Arts Dimension Score: Penetration
This is the proportion of residents within an area who are arts bookers. The higher the value, the greater the proportion of arts bookers.
New Audiences has been applied at various organisations across the UK to support both print and digital marketing, ensuring that every penny you spend is rooted in data science that can ensure you work in the most efficient way.
Share specific postcodes with print distribution companies or Post Office to target specific areas for direct leafleting campaigns. Don't forget that SILVER and GOLD level campaigns can also provide specific households for you to target.
Social Media marketing can also be directed at postcode level. Apply the same filters you might normally use, but target to the top postcodes found in New Audiences.
Sales Tracking (Coming Soon!)
We are working hard to create a way to track all New Audience campaigns within Vital Statistics. This will be effetive in analysing your ROI on such campaigns as we track the sales that come in from the areas in which you targeted.
Case Study: New Wimbledon Theatre
Explore how we helped the New Wimbledon Theatre achieve an additional £9,000 at the box office from a more targeted campaign, check out the Case Study here.
Need help with your New Audience work?
We hope this handy guide can support you answering any questions you might have, but if you're still in need of support drop a line to your dedicated team member or [email protected] - we'd be happy to help!
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